Gayle A. Brazeau, Ph.D, dean of the Marshall University School of Pharmacy, and Daniel Brazeau, Ph.D., associate professor at the school, have endowed the Fairfield Community Pharmacy Scholarship.
“We would like to see local students of all diversity succeed and be encouraged to pursue their dream of an education, most especially those who have a passion for the pharmacy profession,” said Gayle Brazeau.
The scholarship recipient will be a full-time, incoming freshman, undergraduate student who is majoring in biology or chemistry in the College of Science with a pre-pharmacy emphasis and plans to matriculate into the School of Pharmacy. The student must also demonstrate need per the standards of the Office of Student Financial Assistance. First preference will be given to a Huntington High School graduate, second to any resident of Cabell County and third to any West Virginia resident.
Students interested in this scholarship can inquire and apply by e-mailing sfa@marshall.edu. Each year, a new recipient will be selected and awarded $500 a year during their freshman and sophomore undergraduate years and their first (P1) and second (P2) pharmacy school years.
“We were inspired to do this because of three remarkable women in Huntington who have blessed our lives,” said Gayle Brazeau. “Sandra Clements, Mary Hodges and Doris Andrews have shown us the importance of caring and giving back to the Huntington Community and the Marshall family.”
The School of Pharmacy is located in Stephen J. Kopp Hall at 1538 Charleston Avenue and a proud participant in Huntington’s Fairfield Community.
To learn more about establishing a scholarship or to make a gift by phone, please contact the Marshall University Foundation at 304-696-6264. To make a gift online, please visit www.marshall.edu/donate.