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We Are... The Marshall University Foundation
Marshall College in 1946 was confronted with the same challenges all U.S. colleges and universities faced: the faculty, physical plant and curricula were woefully inadequate for the post-war influx of students. Marshall’s enrollment rose to record numbers.
Unlike many institutions, however, Marshall was blessed with a small group of alumni and friends, who saw the needs, had a vision for Marshall and were willing to lend their time, talents and resources to assure that those needs were met.
On January 3, 1947, five men signed the articles of incorporation that established The Marshall Foundation, Inc. The incorporators were:
Frank E. Hanshaw Sr.
D. Sterling Diddle
Walker Long
James D. Francis
N.W. “Jack” Yates
Hanshaw was the first Foundation president and served in that position until 1954. He remained actively involved with the Foundation for 40 years and was chairman of the Gifts, Memorials and Income Committee at the time of his death on May 1, 1987.
The other officers that first year were Long, vice president, and Yates, Secretary/treasurer. The first Foundation Board of Directors was comprised of
two Marshall administrators:
Fred R. Smith, college comptroller
Dr. Stewart H. Smith, acting Marshall President
three Alumni Association representatives:
Frank E. Hanshaw Sr.
C.H. “Jackie” Mckown
N.W. “Jack” Yates
three faculty members:
Dr. Florence H. Van Bibber
Dr. Conley H. Dillon
Dr. A. E. Harris
and three at-large members:
D. Sterling Diddle
James D. Francis
Walker Long
The leadership provided by the 1947 group laid the groundwork and was the inspiration for today’s Foundation whose members also dedicate their time, talents, and resources to assist Marshall in meeting the challenges of providing quality education.
Contact Us
Marshall University Foundation
519 John Marshall Drive
Huntington, WV 25703

Brad D. Smith Foundation Hall
Opened in 2010 and later named after prominent businessman, Marshall graduate, and donor Brad D. Smith, the Brad D. Smith Foundation Hall houses offices for the Marshall University Foundation and Marshall University Office of Alumni Relations.